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Background Of The Study: Advertising is the broad term used to describe public announcements that aim to promote the sale of specific products or services. These announcements are intended to educate, inform, and persuade the general public through various methods such as radio, television, newspapers, journals, and magazines. At times, it can be quite frustrating when we're engrossed in a programme and suddenly interrupted by an advertisement. These ads aim to promote products and create awareness among consumers, enticing them to make a purchase. Mineral drinks advertisements are predominantly featured in advertising media.  Significantly, included in this list are radio, television, magazines, billboards, newspapers, and more. The advertisement aims to sway and persuade its intended audience by highlighting the unique advantages of consuming the brand of seven-up.

The advertisement aims to persuade potential consumers by emphasising that their brand of seven-up drink is the top choice in town, offering high-quality ingredients and ultimate satisfaction. Calendars often feature catchy slogans provided by the producers as a way to engage customers. This slogan aims to reassure potential customers about the satisfaction they can derive from our products. This allows the consumer to focus on the anticipated benefits of the product rather than the product itself. In addition, there is a theory that suggests that consumer satisfaction is influenced by both the expectations they have for a product and its actual performance. This statement highlights the correlation between product satisfaction and meeting consumer expectations. When products meet or exceed expectations, consumers tend to be highly satisfied. However, if products fall short of expectations, consumers tend to be dissatisfied.

Essentially, producers focus on creating satisfaction rather than just the physical product itself. Given this context, it can be assumed that individuals who purchase seven-up are seeking to fulfil a specific intention or derive satisfaction from its consumption or usage, rather than focusing solely on the physical product itself.

Statement Of The Problems

Despite the criticism and accusations directed on the advertising sector. Recently, there has been a significant increase in advertising investments in Nigeria, prompting individuals to question the reasoning behind these substantial investments. For instance, the public has heard that "Tom Omo Tage" mentioned that a sum of half a million naira is spent on advertising ordinary chocolate beverage every year. Additionally, it is known that youthful fantastic advertising limited is currently earning an annual revenue of over seven million naira (N 7,000.00).

Purpose Of The Study

This study is aimed at critically examining the worth of such efforts in terms of consumer attitude. To these effects, the study will focus on

i) Examining whether advertising of seven-up account for brand-switching

ii) Examining other factors responsible for negative or positive perception of advertising by consumers.

iii) Investigating the extent to which advertising determines the patronage of seven-up by consumer

Significance Of The Study

It is hoped that this study will be useful in selecting appropriate media for their target market. It is aqlso0 hoped that5 it will help the producers to tailor their advertisement claims as well as product to reflect the attributes most valued by consumers.

This increasing patronage and the frequency in brand switching among customers.

The Research Questions

1) How do other factors apart from advertising influence consumer patronage of seven-up?

2) How does advertisement determine consumer patronage of seven-up?

3) Does brand switching actually results from advertisement?

4) To what degree if any, does consumer believe in advertising claims in respect of seven-up?

Scope Of The Study

The study will be confined to advertising of seven-up products the effect on consumer’s perception. The researcher also explored the assumption of advertising related to patronage and brand-switching amongst consumers.

Definition Of Terms

ADVERTISING: To make goods and services known to the public through the information media.

DEMANDS: The acquisition of goods and services by payment of money or its equivalent consumer goods

PATRONAGE: This is the habitual purchase by a consumer of a specific product brand.

CONSUMER: Those who make use of goods and services

BRAND-NAME: The name used to identify a specific product type e.g.  Seven-up bottling company

ADVERTISING CHAINS:  They are attributes or specific to their advertised product or what advertisement say consumer will benefit from the product
